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Sale Date: Saturday, April 13, 2024
Sale Time: 9:30 AM 

Auction Venue: Sale to be held onsite - 2617 LIV 277, Chula, MO 64635


Due to the passing of my husband Deane, the following real estate, farm equipment and personal property will be sold at the farm home located approximately 8 miles northeast of Chula. From Chula, travel east on Hwy K for 3 miles to Hwy KK. Take a slight right and continue east on Hwy KK for 3.5 miles to LIV 277. Turn north on LIV 277 for 1.5 miles to sale location.  Auction signs posted on sale day!


Make plans now to attend this LARGE auction from a lifetime accumulation on the farm. Large shop building is full! Tools and shop equipment items selling first. We will stop and sell the real estate at approximately 12:00 PM. Loader & operator will be available sale day to assist with load-out – please bring your trailers. Off-road parking available (weather permitting). Lunch and restrooms will be available on the grounds. Not responsible for accidents, errors, or omissions. Announcements sale day take precedence. 


Josh Teter (660) 734-2111

David May (660) 973-9523


• Allis Chalmers 8030 MFWD tractor, PS trans., 2 hyd. outlets, 540/1000 PTO, cab/heat/air, 18.4-38 rear tires, 13.6-28 front tires, sell complete w/ Ezee-On loader and 7' smooth bucket, shows 7660 hours, (new engine put in approximately 75 hours ago) 


• Allis Chalmers 8030 2wd tractor, PS trans, 2 hyd. outlets, 540/1000 PTO, cab/heat/air, 18.4-38 rear tires, 14L-16.1 front tires, rear weights, shows 7348 hours


• Allis Chalmers 7060 2wd tractor, PS trans, 2 hyd. outlets, 540/1000 PTO, 20.8-38 rear duals, 11.00-16 front tires, unknown hours


• 1980 Allis Chalmers 180 2wd tractor, diesel, wide front, 1 hyd., outlet, 540 PTO, 18.4-28 rear tires, shows 0613 hours


• 1973 Ford 4000 2wd tractor, gas, wide front, 540 PTO, 15.9-30 rear tires, sell complete w/ loader, shows 7095 hours


• Allis Chalmers WD45 2wd tractor, wide front


• Allis Chalmers D14 2wd tractor, wide front

• Allis Chalmers WD 2wd tractor, wide front


Note: Click on image to enlarge. 


• 2003 Ford F350 Super Duty pickup truck, International 6.0L V-8 diesel eng. (new engine), automatic trans., 4wd, sells complete w/ Besler hyd. bale bed, brush guard, 186,285 miles, SN: 1FTSF31P64EA06995


• 1997 Ford F250 pickup truck, 7.3L V-8 diesel eng., automatic trans., 4wd, sells complete w/ Butler hyd. bale bed, 297,532 miles, SN: 1FTHF26F0VEC60868

• 2001 Ford F150 pickup truck, gas, ext. cab, 4wd, 178,798 miles, VIN: 2FTHFX18W71CA29331


• 1964 Ford F600 grain truck, 16’ bed, 4 spd. trans., shows 26,255 miles


• NeckOver gooseneck 7’x28’ triple axle livestock trailer, 3 cut gates


• Tandem axle 7’x20’ car hauler trailer, flip-over ramps, 235/85/16 tires


• Older bumper hitch 20’ livestock trailer


• Caterpillar D7 cable bulldozer, 9’6” blade, ROPS, starts and runs good


• Allis Chalmer HD11 dozer, ROPS, parts only


• John Deere 750 grain drill, front dolly wheel, cast closing wheels, 7.5” spacing, fitted tarp cover, SN: N00750X005948X


• Bush Hog 2615Legend 15’ batwing mower, (6) laminated tires, 1000 PTO 


• Vermeer WR22 10 wheel hay rake


• Agco 1007 9’ 3-pt. disk mower, 540 PTO, tarp


• Heider feed wagon, 540 PTO, nice


• Creep feeder w/ gates


• (4) Vermeer 605C round balers, 540 PTO, twine tie


• Gleaner model A combine and header, shedded, w/ 3-row corn head, AC 6/230 engine


• Gleaner model M combine, shedded, diesel eng. 


• New Holland 351 grinder mixer, 540 pto


• Kewanee 1020 field disk, 20” blades, hydraulic lift, hydraulic fold


• Kewanee 1010 field disk, 17” blades, hydraulic lift, hydraulic fold


• Gravity wagon on running gear


• Danuser 3-pt post hole digger, w/ 12” bit

• 3-pt bale unroller


• Bush Hog 3-pt brush cutter, 6’, 540 PTO


• AC 7’ sickle mower 


• AC 3-pt. 6 row cultivator


• 3-pt tractor mount snow blower, 540 pto


• 6.5’ pull type land roller


• 3-pt. 4 bottom plow


• 3-pt. 8’ tractor blade


• Oliver 3-pt. 5 bottom plow


• AC suitcase weights (x30) 


• Front slab weights (x8)


• Hutchison 8”x50’ grain auger


• PLUS other misc. farm related items!


Farm support items including like-new loafing shed (10’x28’, on skids); HD metal feed bunks (shop built, 30”x22’, x2); hay bale rings (x4); galvanized water tank; hay elevators converted to feed bunks (x2); mineral feeders (x2); approx. 100 round bales of hay (approx. 1350lb., twine tie – will have a final count on sale day); hog catch chute; Pax hog feeder; buzz saw mandrel; Farm Star truck bale bed; 14’ harrow; older running gears (w/ hoist); 16’ wagon (w/ hoist); bale stinger; homemade truck bed trailers (x2); used galvanized sheet metal; and more items to be added by sale day!


Lincoln 225 welder; auto-dark welding helmets (KT, Chicago Electric); 25”x48” welding table; c-clamps; Industrial 12-speed drill press; Rigid 14” cut-off saw; oxy-acetylene torch set (Victor cutting head, gauges, cart); Predator 8750w generator; 10 ga. generator cord (25’); Clipper belt lacing machine; lacing supplies; rub belts; Craftsman chest-on-chest tool box; US General tool chest; Big Cat portable concrete mixer; pickup fuel transfer tank (150 gallon, GPI-EZ8 electric pump); air pig; Stihl MS290 chainsaw; McCullough, Homelite chainsaws; several steel 55g barrels; Troybilt rear tine tiller (8 hp); 20T shop press; floor jacks (x2); Pittsburg 3T long ram cherry picker; log chains; handyman jacks; pipe vise; dovetail vise; end-gate seeder; several hitch pins; roller chain; pipe wrenches; 4-way wrenches; pry bars; fencing pliers; channel locks; vise grips; side cutters; screwdrivers; hammers (nail, ball pin, slag); ratchet wrench set; combination wrench set (SAE, metric, up to 1 ¾”); crescent wrenches (up to 15”); impact sockets; snap ring plier set; 10” Circlip plier set (Internal+external); Pittsburg ¾” socket set; Pittsburg combination wrench set (⅜” to 2”); Torx drivers; misc sockets (¼”, ⅜”, ½”); punches, chisels; Pittsburg torque wrench; multimeters; air impacts (½”, ¾”); air ratchet; HD drills; HD disc grinders (Hitachi, Sears, others); angle grinders; Dewalt cordless drill set; JM port-a-power set; ¾” socket set; drill bit sets; cotter pins; ratchet straps; tool boxes; shop heater; mail boxes; galvanized funnels; new baler twine (green, 16,000 ft, x2); gas cans; bottle jacks (x6); house jacks (x6); lawn sweep: Allis Chalmers yard cart; step ladders; JD 125 lawn tractor (condition unknown); Allis Chalmers 616 lawn tractor (condition unknown); fuel tanks on stands (x3); belt pulleys; tractor rims; Caterpillar pony motor (parts); 40’ movable television antenna tower; come-a-longs; fence stretchers; pulley pullers; parts washer; draw bar; chain hoist; receiver hitch; mauls, axles, shovels, pitch forks, spades, scoops, jobbers, rakes; tire bead breaker; plus a large run of bolts, nuts, nails, and screws; and piles of scrap iron!

Primitives and collectibles scattered around the farm including anvil, round cast iron heating stove; 15+ set of deer horns; corn sheller; metal lawn chairs; old bicycles; hay hooks; block and tackle; RR jack; Aeromotor windmill top; old saddle; galvanized grain bucket; church pew; 2-man crosscut saw; kraut cutter; and more to be discovered by sale day from a lifetime on the farm!


Beautiful Sellers cabinet (caramel slag, granite top, great condition); 10g Red Wing crock (w/ bails); Singer treadle sewing machine (nice machine); treadle sewing machine cabinet (no machine); round drum table w/ drawer; oak rocking chair; oak kitchen chairs (x4); antique dome trunk; ice skates; wood gold velvet chair w/ matching footstool; old 78 records; old C&W LPs; picnic basket; chrome dinette set w/ 4 chairs; wooden child chest; crock bowl; zinc lids; coins including 1890o Morgan dollar; Indian Head cents; 1903o Barber quarter; roll of wheat cents; other coins; plus Huguenin and Co. pocket watch (17 jewel, key wind, silver hunter case, no key); Elgin pocket watch (7 jewel, yellow gold, 20yr case); Kenmore washer and dryer set; Hardwick cook stove (propane); Ice cream freezers (1g, 2g); exercise bike; Proform treadmill; Lazyboy recliner; sofa; lamps (table, floor); 7’ pre-lit Christmas tree; 40pt dehumidifier; hat collection (100+, several old seed companies); 18 qt electric roaster; InstaPot; pillow cushions; stainless steel bowls; old Sunbeam stand mixer; vacuum; Bissell carpet cleaner; Idyllis air cleaner (like new!); and more to be added by sale day!


For additional information or questions contact Teter Auction Company, LLC
Office: (660) 240-9161

Auction Venue Location:

2617 LIV 277, Chula, MO 64635

Saturday, April 13, 2024 • 9:30 A.M.

TETER LOGO.png - White.png

722 Washington St., P.O. Box 723

Chillicothe, MO 64601

Phone: (660) 240-9161


Teter Auction Company, LLC is a Missouri licensed auction firm.

© 2024 by Teter Auction Company, LLC

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