Sale Date: Saturday, March 22, 2025
Sale Time: 10:00 AM CST
Auction Venue: Sale to be held onsite - 4258 LIV 269, Chula, MO 64635
Items are located at the farm near Chula, MO. Chula is located 12 miles northeast of Chillicothe, MO or 18 miles southeast of Trenton, MO.
Directions to the farm: From Chula, MO head east on Hwy K for 2.5 miles to Hwy KK. Continue east on Hwy KK for 1.5 miles to LIV 269. Turn South on LIV 269 for a half mile to the sale location. Auction signs posted on sale day!
Mark your calendars now for this fast approaching, well maintained farm retirement auction. After a lifetime in farming and cattle production, Ed & Barbara Thomas have decided to retire and slow down. This auction will feature something for everyone! Brief sale order: 10:00 AM hay rack and misc. items, 11:00 – 11:30 major equipment followed by any unsold items. This will be a live, onsite auction; additionally, internet bidding will be available live during the auction on major items. No onsite buyer’s premium. Lunch will be available on the grounds. Loader and operators will be available sale day only – please bring your trailers. Not responsible for accidents, errors or omissions. Announcements sale day take precedence.
Josh Teter (660) 734-2111
Tyler Keenan (641) 990-8046
• 1983 John Deere 4250 2wd tractor, PS trans, 2 hyd. outlets, 540/1000 PTO, 18.4-38 rear dual tires (inside dual is new), 11.00-16 front tires, 6 front weights, hammer strap, new cab kit, shows 6,915 hours, SN: RW4250P001266
• 1969 John Deere 4020 2wd tractor, diesel, Stolper cab and ROPS, synchro trans., 2 hyd. outlets, side console hydraulics, 540/1000 PTO, 18.4-34 rear tires, 11L-15SL front tires, 24 gallon front attached extra fuel tank, shows 6,688 hours, SN: T213R214908R
• 1984 Case International 2096 MFWD tractor, PS trans. (reman Jan. 2023), 5.9L Cummins diesel engine, 3 hyd. outlets, 540/1000 PTO, 480/80R38 rear tires, 420/85R28 front tires, sells complete w/ 96L loader, 84” bucket, 2 bale spears, shows 2,443 hours, SN:

• Kinze 3500 8/15 planter, ground drive, finger pickup corn meters, no-till coulters, rubber closing wheels, seed firmers, markers, spring downforce, lockable front units, box extensions, KPM-2 monitor, 2 sets of bean plates, milo plates, SN: 903176
• Great Plains solid stand 24’ grain drill, 7.5” spacing, markers, hydraulic fold, 9.5L-15 SL tires, 7,289 acres

• John Deere 569 round baler, megawide plus, hyd pickup, 5x6, net wrap and twine, 21.5L- 15.1SL tires, approximately 11,000 bales, SN:1E00569XPED410093
• Vermeer VR 1022 10-wheel hay rake, w/ center kicker wheels, low time, VIN: 1VRA201BENM021422
• Kuhn GMD 800-GII HD disc mower, 10’ cut, 540 PTO, good canvas cover, SN: 1060110 C2493

• 2010 Ford F-250 XLT pickup trick, extended cab, 6.4L Powerstroke diesel engine, auto trans., 4wd, leather interior, flip up center console, dual power seats/power windows, gooseneck ball, short bed, 254,000 miles at listing VIN:1FTSX2BR9AEB16197
• 1985 GMC 7000 grain truck, 366 gas engine, 5 speed manual trans., air brakes, pusher axle, Midwest 18’ bed, 52” sides, manual roll tarp, Chelsea PTO, 11-22.5 front tires, 9.00R20 pusher tires, 11R22.5 rear tires, shows 104,198 miles, VIN:1GDP7D1B0FV505044
• 2005 Featherlite 7’x24’ gooseneck livestock trailer, aluminum, tandem axle, 2 divide gates, escape door, 235/85R16 tires, VIN: 4FG-B2242-3-5C078301
• 1975 Massey Ferguson 16’x8’ hyd. gooseneck dump trailer, 40” sides, sliding grain door on back, tandem axle, LT235/85R16 tires, VIN: D516FLC23622
• Pull type service bed trailer, dual tires, dual fuel tanks, removable side boards
• Homemade 8’x14’ tandem axle bumper hitch trailer

• Kuhn Knight 1224 manure spreader, tandem axle, 540 pto, poly floor, dual beater, hyd. end gate, 14L-16.1SL tires, low time, SN A0052
• John Deere 980 24’ field cultivator, 3-bar harrow attachment, walking tandems, 9.5-15SL main frame and wing tires, poly shank covers, 10” sweeps, new shank bushings last spring
• Gehl 170 grinder mixer, w/ Gehl scales, 135 bushel capacity, 18’ electric-swing unload auger, 3 sizes of screens, 540 pto, 12.5L-15SL tires, hammers and augers look good, SN:7855
• Kewanee 720 18’ tandem disc, manual fold, hydraulic raise, 8” spacing, 21” blades, 7.50-14 tires
• New Holland 717 silage chopper, single and two row corn chopper heads, hay chopper head, hydraulic spout swing, pull-string spout adjust
• (4) Cox creep feeders w/ gates
• 14’ silage box w/ hoist on John Deere running gear, 11L-15 tires
• Kewanee 189 9’ hyd. blade
• 1000 gal. tank, w/ elec pump
• 3-pt IH 540 4 bottom plow, hydraulic, tail wheel
• 3-pt Danuser post hole digger, 12” & 16” auger bit
• 12’x28” portable loading chute on wheels, good floor
• Pull type 12’ crust buster
• 3-pt Krause chisel plow
• Kewanee 500 40’ hay elevator
• Westfield 8-71 grain auger, single auger swing out unload, SN:97643
• 6”x30’ transfer auger
Plus farm support items including Case IH suit case weights (x14); 18.4-34 clamp on duals; 12’ corral panels (x10); gates (x12+, 12’-16’, walk through); bale rings; Feed Train feed bunks (x2); Powder River squeeze chute; 16’ homemade bale trailer; 300 gal. aluminum tank sprayer on trailer; 16’ alum. Truck box (storage); new barb wire (x10); chain boomers, log chains; chain hoist; 6-bolt implement wheels; NH 67”x7000’ white net wrap; and other items to be added by sale day.
Chas Park HD shop vise (6”); Snap-On bench vise (5”); wall mount drill press (x2); Oxyacetylene torch set (Victor torch, bottles, gauges, cart); Brooks anvil (England, 1 ¼ cwt); Stihl 251C chainsaw; Dewalt 14” chop saw; Craftsman drill press (17”, 1.5 hp); Lincoln 250 arc welder; welding supplies (leads, welding rod, helmets, hammers, etc); KarKare air compressor (60 gal horizontal tank, 125 psi, 1.5 hp); air pig; Chicago bench grinder (8”); Associated 7060 battery charger; Military air compressor (AirBoss v-twin compressor, diesel engine, 120 gal tank); ladders (aluminum ext. x2, wood ext.); Louisville step ladder (8’, fiberglass); pry bar set; crow bars; Craftsman tap/die set; Crescent wrenches (x10+, 6”-18”); combination wrench sets (SAE, metric, GearWrench, Craftsman, other); ratchet wrench sets; misc shop wrenches (up to 1 ⅛”); socket sets (¼”, ½”, SAE, metric, deep well, impacts, swivel, etc); pipe wrenches; Allen wrenches; gate pins; gear pullers; John Deere filters; come-a-long; brace/bits; hand tools (channel locks, side cutters, needle nose pliers, vise grips, side cutters, snips, ring pliers, fencing pliers, more); Parmack 6v fencer; C-clamps; Central Pneumatic impact (⅜”); shop hammers (mauls, ball peen, claw, others); oil cans; Snap-On pick set; micrometer; screwdrivers; punches & chisels; impact driver; flat files; clevises & pins; bottle jacks (x5, 30T, 20T, 12T); handyman jack (x2); nut drivers; pop rivet gun; hydraulic fittings; large Rotabin shop organizer; shop cabinets/organizers (lots of new stock bolts, washers, nuts); block-n-tackle; 4-way wrenches; hydraulic oil; extension cords; barrel pumps; baler twine (6 1/2 x 20,000, x4, 6 1/2x16,000, x3); ST235/85R16 tires (x2, new); and more!

For additional information or questions contact Teter Auction Company, LLC
Office: (660) 240-9161
Auction Venue Location:
4258 LIV 269, Chula, MO 64635
Saturday, March 22, 2025 • 10:00 A.M.